Yale Wireless Alarm Installation what is required?
We been installing Yale Alarms throughout Yorkshire for 12 years now so I will give you a little rundown of what in our opinion is the necessary requirements to make your security alarm effective.
Firstly you need to make sure that you ideally completely covered the ground floor of the premises with passive infrared sensors, especially the rooms which are pointing towards quiet areas. The majority of burglars to also premises enter through the rear windows or patio doors so make sure that these rooms have passive infrared sensors and ideally every single room on the ground floor should have one.
Secondly you should have magnetic door contacts on all external doors even if they have a passive infrared in that particular room. If the burglar tries to force an external door open the magnetic contact will set the alarm off before he’s managed to get inside the premises.
Thirdly keep it in mind if you mount the control panel which incorporates the autodialler, it’s best to keep the away from external doors are windows so it cannot be found quickly and smashed if a burglar gets inside the premises. It’s also important to keep the entry timer is small as possible so if you try to force the entry and exit door open once again it will not give the intruder time to find the control panel quickly. Quite often we install a second wireless remote keypad which completely mirrors all the control buttons of the main panel and this allows us to hide may control panel so it could not be found quickly by any intruder. It’s very important that if an attempt is made to burgle your premises that the alarm control panel has got time to activate and ring out using the autodialler. If there are telephone sockets on the second floor we quite often put the main control panel upstairs sometimes at the back of a bed so that it could never be found by any intruder in the premises. The owner of the property simple uses the wireless remote keypad downstairs which cannot disarm the system even if it’s broken.
It’s a good idea to mount the security alarm box inside as possible on the premises ideally on the front elevation towards the gable end if it is a semi-detached property. Also the dummy alarm box is usually put on the rear wall so that any potential intruder quickly sees the fact that you got a Yale security alarm installed which will in many cases stop any attempted burglary.
Also keep it in mind if you got external buildings and garages and sheds you can often put passive infrared sensors are magnetic door contacts on them because they are vulnerable to intruders also. Remember you can set the system up with the parts that allowing the external buildings to be around during the day when the house is switched off, and then when the owner of the premises leaves and the entire system which includes main building and outbuildings on the full set.
Remember it’s no advantage to have elements of the security alarm visible from the external windows and to place the Yale Alarm window stickers on so that potential intruders quickly see you got the system to protect the premises. Visibility of intruder alarm is a big advantage.